Our standard scale (1cm=1Å) molecular models and crystal stucture models are made using the standard colours indicated in the periodic table below.
To provide some differentiation in the models, metals are represented by transparent coloured balls, while semiconductors and non-metals are represented by opaque colours. We routinely make substitutions where a model would be confusing in these colours (Potassium oxide or lead selenide, for example),
We’re also happy to change the colours to suit your chosen colour scheme. Molecular models for displaye that are illuminated by backlighting look particularly dramatic and beautiful when made entirely in transparent colours.
The range of colours available is shown in the table below the periodic table. Larger balls in a variety of colours may be used, for example, to emphasise the metal atoms in a metallo-organic compound and are readily available on request.
H |
He |
Li |
Be |
B |
C |
N |
O |
F |
Ne |
Na |
Mg |
Al |
Si |
P |
S |
Cl |
Ar |
K |
Ca |
Sc |
Ti |
V |
Cr |
Mn |
Fe |
Co |
Ni |
Cu |
Zn |
Ga |
Ge |
As |
Se |
Br |
Kr |
Rb |
Sr |
Y |
Zr |
Nb |
Mo |
Tc |
Ru |
Rh |
Pd |
Ag |
Cd |
In |
Sn |
Sb |
Te |
I |
Xe |
Cs |
Ba |
La |
Hf |
Ta |
W |
Re |
Os |
Ir |
Pt |
Au |
Hg |
Tl |
Pb |
Bi |
Po |
As |
Rn |
Fr |
Ra |
Ac |
Range of ball colours routinely available.
Transparent colours | Clear |
Ruby |
Orange |
Topaz |
Emerald |
Sapphire |
Amethyst |
Pink |
Opaque colours |
White |
Red |
Orange* |
Yellow |
Green |
Turquoise |
Light blue |
Royal Blue |
Lilac |
Pink |
Brown |
Black |
*low stocks - ask for availability